January 24, 2022

Lunar Cycle and Spirituality | New Moon

By VKW Soul Stars
Lunar Cycle and Spirituality | New Moon
“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” 
- Guy Finley

We all find ourselves looking for moments to begin again in life. What we are not aware of is that nature presents us with chances to restart all the time. New year, Mondays and Onset on new seasons and 1st of every month, but do you know that there are potent energies of nature which one can draw strength from and venture into a new start?

Today we will talk about the New moon. The beginning of the lunar cycle which symbolizes new beginnings. In spirituality, it is considered to be a very auspicious time to start new projects or even reflect on old ones to prepare oneself for the new ones. Any inquisitive mind will ask why the new moon specifically?

Let’s start with how the Moon affects the tides, helps in balancing Earth’s axis and even plays a major role in change of the seasons. So how can you tap into this energy every time the lunar cycle is in the new moon phase? Well, there are rituals that you can perform to make yourself aligned with this energy and harness it for your betterment.

Step 1: Cleanse

To let new energy come in, you have to make space for it. The step into your new moon ritual world, cleansing your space. This means tidying your closet, place of work and your house in general. From a body’s point of view, indulge in some self care via skincare, relaxing baths and simply pampering yourself. 

Intention is to put your house and your body in the momentum and be ready to receive the gentle and powerful energy of the moon.

Step 2: Ward off Negative energy

When you clean your house, honor your body with love and attention it needs, you are halfway through warding off any negative energy that might be stuck in your surroundings. To alleviate this ritual, you can use tangible tools like sage smudge stick, palo santo, sea salt and incense stick to eliminate any bad vibe. Simple light sage stick, palo santo or incense stick and smudge your whole house with it, including yourself and your family members. 

Step 3: Prepare your Altar - Cleanse your Crystals

If you are someone who owns crystals, this is a great time to cleanse and charge them. There are many ways to do that depending upon what suits your crystals, either use incense sticks to smudge, sea salt, water, soil or selenite. Sound therapy also can cleanse and recharge them. Once done, leave them out under moonlight, if can’t, place them near your window.

Step 4: Recharge your Soul - Meditation

While you’re actively taking care of your mind, body and matter, it is important to nourish your soul too. Doing meditations alone or with a group can be a great way to connect with your inner self and  tend to your soul needs.

Step 5: Journaling and Intention Setting

Take a fresh journal and set it aside for new moon manifestations. Write them like you have received them, e.g.; I am healthy, I am abundant etc. Use your everyday journal to pen down your emotions, to let go off any burden you carry. Cleansing of thoughts can be done via free flow journaling.

So here are some ways in which you can make your Next New Moon more fruitful and abundant. May the force of the calming moon soothes you. You can join Vani Kabir’s lunar cycle meditation groups for free and step into the beautiful world of connecting with your inner self. Follow Vani Kabir on Instagram to learn more about New Moon Rituals and how every New Moon is special and how you can draw its power.

Love & Light.

About Dr. Vani Kabir

Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce. After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Dr. Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

Find | Heal | Align | Rise

At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.