January 25, 2022

Money and Mind games |Limiting beliefs that are obstructing your financial growth 

By VKW Soul Stars
Money and Mind games |Limiting beliefs that are obstructing your financial growth 

The universe responds to our frequency, and we become out of tune when extreme negativity and limiting beliefs engulf us. It is normal and happens to the best of us. But the wise person is one who understands the mind games and ace the money charades! If you are confused as to what we are trying to tell, hang on.

If you see that there is a persistent effort and hardwork but very little gain from your financial and career endeavours, there is a possibility that you are holding onto limiting beliefs about yourself and your finances. 

Let us give you some examples!

  1. I am always broke
  2. Earning money is hard
  3. I am bad with money
  4. Money is evil
  5. I am afraid of money

If you have any of these limiting thoughts or beliefs, chances are you are never going to be friends with money. So now that you know, correct the course of your thoughts and beliefs and see the Universe answering to your needs.

Try these rituals and see the magick unfold. If you don’t know what your money blockages are and want to get rid of them or are looking to get Feng Shui done for your space, you can reach out to us at vanikabirworldwide.com , and we will help you overcome all these obstacles and much more.

About Dr. Vani Kabir

Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce.After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Dr. Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

Find | Heal | Align | Rise

At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.