
  • Making Spirituality Simple | Attract money with these Rituals

    Making Spirituality Simple | Attract money with these Rituals

    People tend to attach the amount of money they possess or earn to their potential, without understanding that like every other thing in this world, money is also energy. It is simply misalignment or blockage that is stopping you to earn the amount of money you desire to earn. Now the question arises: what is a money blockage?

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  • Akashic Records: Peep into your Past, Present, and Future

    Akashic Records: Peep into your Past, Present, and Future
    There are so many libraries in the world. What makes you think, there isn't one with your name on it? Our spiritual history, gurus, even our parents tell us how this isn't the first life we are born into, we are souls which reincarnate, take new roles and faces, and have lived several lives. All these lives lived, being lived and about to be lived are carefully recorded and stored in Akashic Records.
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  • How Rune Reading can help you with predictions?

    How Rune Reading can help you with predictions?
    We are all seekers in this far and wide universe. Future haunts and excites us both equally. Right answers either come to you in time or you have to set forth a quest to find them. Spiritual guides, psychics, and healers can be of great help in this journey. We are going to explore one very ancient form of oracle that was used by Germanic and Nordic tribes and is still helping in seeking advice and a path for their future. 
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  • Paraspace Investigation | Spiritually Cleanse your house in 4 steps

    Paraspace Investigation | Spiritually Cleanse your house in 4 steps
    Your house might be telling you something if you will carefully listen. Everything reeks of energy, negative or positive. The way we declutter our mind with practices like Yoga and Meditation, we should declutter our house with the energies, negative, like a ritual. If you’re new to spiritual cleansing, we have just the right information for you to kick start your journey and alleviate the energy of your house with these four quick steps.
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  • The Science Behind Crystal Healing

    The Science Behind Crystal Healing
    It is a proven fact that matter is 99.99% empty space and what exists in this space is energy. Everything around you, including you, emits energy. Even the kind of human beings we come off as, depend upon our energy. For e.g. High Vibrational people are mostly kind and compassionate, on the other hand, Low Vibrational people are jealousy-ridden and fearful. But this isn’t a fixed temperament of your energy. 
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