January 25, 2022

Akashic Records: Peep into your Past, Present, and Future

By VKW Soul Stars
Akashic Records: Peep into your Past, Present, and Future
“The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be.” 
- Carl Sagan

There are so many libraries in the world. What makes you think, there isn't one with your name on it? Our spiritual history, gurus, even our parents tell us how this isn't the first life we are born into, we are souls which reincarnate, take new roles and faces, and have lived several lives. All these lives lived, being lived and about to be lived are carefully recorded and stored in Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records are the recording of all that your soul has ever been and done throughout time.

“Through the Akashic Records, you will receive soul guidance from your Akashic Masters in order to help you move forward with certainty.”

When you choose to come to Earth and have a human experience, you first write a Soul Plan that incorporates your soul purpose for this lifetime. This includes some of your talents and gifts you wish to share with others; this is part of your Soul Purpose.

Your soul plan also includes the people who you wish to support or learn from, which are called Soul Contracts. We write around 20 – 50 Soul Contracts to support others in relationships, to partner in life and in business, to have children, or sometimes not.

We also make contracts with other souls to finish Karma or Vows from other lifetimes. This is where knowing your Past Lives becomes important as they are affecting what you came to do in this life.

So where are these Akashic Records? These records are found in the astral plane. It is mostly like a hall of records, a multidimensional library, where all the souls which have incarnated and their wisdom are encoded in light.

“Upon time and space are written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity's ideal is. Hence, as it has been often called, the record is God's book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes the same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity's application of self…”

-- Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

Akashic: Since the Beginning of Time

  1. It has different names in different cultures: Torah-Hebrew (book of remembrance), Bible-Christianity (Book of Life), or Garuda Purana-Hinduism (Reason and meaning of human life)

  1. The records are fluid and depend on karma.

  1. The gatekeepers, the beings of light, are souls which were never incarnated and protect the records in the higher realm of Consciousness in the Astral Plane.

  1. The records might include karmic debts, patterns or blockages from previous lifetimes, unfinished business or pending lessons, and even the lessons mastered in the previous waiting to be activated.

  1. They were first mentioned in the 19th century by Helena Blavatsky, who was taught by Tibetan Monks, referred to themselves as “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom.”

If there are questions you’re seeking answers to, the wisdom you wish to tap into, and have the sense of urgency to know your past, present, and future, you can book a session with us to open your Akashic Records and open yourself to the Astral Wisdom and Knowledge.

About Dr. Vani Kabir

Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant, and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce. After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Dr. Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

Find | Heal | Align | Rise

At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering, and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.