November 01, 2021

A Guide to Know Your Crystals Better

By VKW Soul Stars
A Guide to Know Your Crystals Better


“If you take care of things, they last”

We are sure since you have become crystal parents or admirers, thousand questions must be running through in your mind. From how to take care of them to how to keep them energized. This blog is a guide to tell you everything you need to know about crystals, their care and more!

How do I know this crystal is for me?

Well, picking crystals is very spiritual and magical in itself. Your intuition calls onto them as you see them. However, if you are looking for a crystal to help you heal from a particular affliction or what is best suited according to your chart, you can reach us and we can help you find your perfect crystal.

How do I take care of my crystals once I receive them?

You only have to remember two things while taking care of crystals you wear as jewelry:

  1. Remove them as you go to sleep
  2. Remove them when you are taking a bath.

Note: You can do daily chores if you're wearing crystal jewelry, they won’t harm them anyway.

When do I cleanse my crystals?

At VKW, when we dispatch your crystals, they are first cleansed, charged and blessed before they reach you. Although, this energy can only last for sometime, as and when you wear it, it starts wearing off while healing you. Therefore, you can choose lunar events like New Moon and Full Moon to cleanse your crystals.

How do I cleanse my crystals?

There are multiple ways to cleanse your crystals:

  • Smudging: Use a sage or incense stick, ward it off on your crystals and remove any negative energy stuck on them.
  • Selenite: This crystal in your crystal family is a natural cleanser and will keep any negative energy off your crystals.
  • Sound: There are many sound therapy videos on youtube which you can use to cleanse your crystals, or else if you use any sound therapy bowls at home, you can use them as well. Keep your crystals in the frequency (Close to the sound) and your crystals will be cleansed.
  • Reiki/Visualization: Reiki is another way of cleansing your crystals, or else you can visualize a bright light shining down upon your crystals and absorbing all the negative energy.

  • Does the quality of a stone make a difference?

    Yes. Quality affects the energy and power of your crystals. We only keep AAA quality crystals at VKW, so that they help and heal you in the best way possible.

    Where do I keep crystals?

    Crystals love hanging out together, you can keep them together. If you have built an altar for them, please use it to keep them. Don’t expose any crystal to too much light by keeping them on windows or out in the open.

    Will wearing crystals heal me?

    Incorporating crystal healing techniques into your health maintenance and prevention routine is a powerful and effective way to complement and enhance your healing and because of its versatility can be used in conjunction with any other healing practice i.e. medical care, other complementary healing modalities, therapeutic techniques, etc.

    Why and how does healing crystals work?

    Crystals are energy transmitters - their crystalline structure indicates that they can absorb, focus and then transmit subtle electromagnetic energy, which we see when they use quartz crystal in radios and watches, this is the same quality that is used in crystal healing.

    So I just bought a crystal. Now what do I do with it?

    It depends on what type of crystal you have bought. If it is crystal jewelry, wear them everyday. If it is a geode or cluster, keep them on your altar. If it is a tumble or a small crystal, then you can keep it in your wallet or pocket. When the purpose of the crystal has to do with your everyday life, this is often a good bet.

    Can I wear my crystals during periods? 

    Of Course you can. Your monthly cycle doesn’t affect crystals at all

    What if on some days I don’t feel like wearing them? 

    That is fine. What matters is that when you need them, they are there for you. What you must make sure of is to keep them properly when you are not wearing them.

    Are there any rituals before wearing them? 

    All crystals we send are cleansed and thereafter charged. Before you wear, make sure you meditate and set your intention on the crystals.

    How to set an intention on my crystals? 

    Hold it, touch it, look at it, notice how it feels in your hands. This exchange of energy unites you with your crystal to create a deep and powerful energetic connection.

    What if my crystal breaks? 

    How much time does it take for crystals to show results? 

    When you want to start working with a crystal or an energy of the earth, just be consistent. It doesn't have to be crazy; take sometime and carry it around in your pocket, wear them or hold onto it before you go to bed at night.

    Can I wear multiple crystals together? 

    How to charge the crystals on the new moon and full moon? 

    1. Cleanse them with through sound, light, selenite or smudging
    2. Charge them via meditation and then moonlight
    3. Keep them near window, directly under moon or with a white lit candle
    4. Wear them the next day

    Which direction should I place my crystals in?

    Well, this depends upon the type and use of that crystal. If it is a bracelet, wear them daily except while sleeping and bathing. Same with any other crystal jewelry. If it is a tumble or a small crystal, you can keep it in your pocket, under your pillow, in your bag/wallet or on the bedside table.

    Can someone else touch or wear my crystals?

    Touching your crystal won’t be a problem but wearing it will not be advisable because each crystal you wear is designed to help you and the charge it carries is for you. Once you set your intention, it is yours to wear and use and no one else. 

    Do I have to keep crystals away from sanitiser and perfume and other cosmetic products?

    You have to be careful, yes, but they won’t get spoiled, if by chance they come into contact.

    How do I bond with my crystals?

    Wear them daily, meditate with them, talk to them, spend time with them, crystals are as much alive as we are, make them a part of your routine and watch them solve your problems. But remember that they don’t replace medicine or any medication you are on. They don’t replace any treatment. There is a thin line between Faith and Superstition, tread it carefully. 

    We hope these questions addressed your queries. But if you still have a question, leave it in the comment section or reach out to us, we will make another guide that will solve your queries and make you more aware about crystals and their healing power.

    Love and Light.

    About Dr. Vani Kabir

    Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce.After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

    Find | Heal | Align | Rise

    At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.