January 25, 2022

How Rune Reading can help you with predictions?

By VKW Soul Stars
How Rune Reading can help you with predictions?


“There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.”
― Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

We are all seekers in this far and wide universe. Future haunts and excites us both equally. Right answers either come to you in time or you have to set forth a quest to find them. Spiritual guides, psychics, and healers can be of great help in this journey. We are going to explore one very ancient form of oracle that was used by Germanic and Nordic tribes and is still helping in seeking advice and a path for their future. 

Yes, we are talking about Rune Reading.

“Runes are known for hinting towards answers, but leaving you to work out the details, which is where intuition is helpful.”

Rune, the term stands for mystery, secret, or a whisper. As a practice, it is a divine practice where you are helped in understanding life questions and situations you otherwise feel stuck and helpless in. 

Runes - A timeline

Runes are heavily read and discussed as a discipline. Runelogists have made a general outline that traces Rune’s origin, transformation, and current developments. The earliest Runic Inscription - Meldorf brooch, was found in present-day Germany during 50 CE. 

The oldest practice and language, Elder Futhark is believed to have come up around 400 CE- Found on a Kylver stone from Gotland, Sweden. In the years when Rune was evolving, the language was transmitted from Southern Europe to Western Europe via Germanic Warbands.

Runes are considered to be eternal and discovered by Odin in the Proto-Germanic Period, which he then interpreted when he sacrificed himself after which he gained the Runic knowledge and passed it onto the first Rune Masters.

Present-day Rune Reading is about holding a question in your mind (subconsciously most) and then the reading reveals to you an answer that is more of a sign than a definite answer for you, with the help of your reader, to unveil.

Mystical and Luring World of Runes

To give you a sneak peek, we have come up with lesser-known facts and information that can help you understand and get excited about the Runes:

  1. Runes are made of stone commonly and on it are carved runic alphabets. 

  1. The oldest is the Germanic runic alphabet is “Elder Futhark”. It is composed of 24 runes. The term futhark is given because the first six runic alphabets, when spelled, word out Futhark.

  1. It is not fortune telling -  it talks in hints and signs

  1. The guidance of your Runi Reader is not set in stone. You have the Free Will to either listen to it and change your patterns, or simply, choose your own destiny and take a different route.

  1. Vikings used Runes, not as a guidance medium but as erected in the memory of their dead, telling their honorable deeds.

  1. It might be considered symbols now but in ancient times these were alphabets that were used beyond Rune readings, a form of communication. Source of various European Languages.

  1. Runes talk in puzzles. They are “answers which lie in the mysteries''.  They ask for your patience to reveal the answer. Your Rune Reader can be of great help in guiding you, but it is you who must seek its true essence.

  1. Runes call to the problems that are troubling you on a subconscious level. 

  1. Apart from future guidance, runes are also used in spell casting and protection.

  1.  Accordingly to Nordic Lore, Odin, the god was the first one to interpret Runestones which magically occurred from Well of Urd – the source of fate, and then for Nine days and Nine nights, Odin impaled his heart and hung it over the world tree to understand the symbols of runes. 

If the mystical world of Rune interests you, book a Rune Reading with us and we can help you understand your future and your path for a purposeful and satisfying journey, that is, your life.

About Dr. Vani Kabir

Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant, and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce. After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Dr. Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

Find | Heal | Align | Rise

At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering, and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.