January 24, 2022

Why do you need Past Life Regression?

By VKW Soul Stars
Why do you need Past Life Regression?
“The crackling sounds of an old and tired bridge can best be understood by an old and tired person! Those who have carried the burden of life for so long are the ones who understand each other best!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Do you think you’re carrying a past burden? Are you always weary and tired of looking ahead because you’re constantly looking back? We have a solution for you. That solution is Past Life Regression (PLR).

PLR usually uses hypnosis techniques for you to be able to enter a deeper relaxation state. Still, the difference with classical hypnosis is that with PLR, you remember everything during the session, and you are able to talk to the Therapist while you are under relaxation.

“I always tell my clients not to be afraid of what they are going to see because if it has been revealed, then it is needed precisely at this moment, which means you can handle it. It is a safe environment, and our souls are always guided by higher celestial beings and ensure our safety.” - Vani Kabir, PLR Therapist.

This vital difference allows the Therapist to guide you through your journey and ask essential questions that will bring clarity and understanding in your life. The therapy itself prolongs for a few hours, typically between 2 and 4, including the conversations before the regression and after it. 

Moving on from the therapy part, let’s explore a little more about PLR and its lesser known facts.

“Medium and Reiki teacher Caitlin Marino says there are two ways to crack open the book of life and start skipping around the chapters. The first is past-life regression therapy.”

9 Vices about Past Life Regression

  1. PLR has its evidence in Upanishads.

  1. Hindu Scholar Patanjali has spoken about it extensively and called it Prati-Prasav, meaning "reverse birthing".

  1. From Chinese mythology, it is believed that before climbing the wheel of reincarnation, Lady of Forgetfulness or deity Meng Po makes the soul drink a bittersweet potion which makes them forget their past life.

  1. In the Modern world,  Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, popularized PLR again.

  1. Your pets reincarnate too!!! (We are sure that the most happiest of the lesser known facts)

  1. PLR can tell you the parallel lives you are living at the same time and healing the problem can help both the parties.

  1. It is proven through several PLR of different people that they have existed with their current family and friends before this lifetime as well.

  1. It is possible that you visit your neighbors, or see people you have known in your past like. Just like Bridey Murphy, an Irish Woman, who was seen by U.S. housewife Virginia Tighe in her PLR in 1952.

  1. You can heal your body and mind. From Yogic concept of diseases, we have two kinds of afflictions: Adhija Vyadhi (stress born diseases) and Anadhija Vyadhi (non-stress related diseases). PLR opens your karmic repository and can help you understand and work on such diseases with clarity and understanding.

Signs which can tell you that you have been reincarnated before

Let’s say you are curious before a Past life regression session to know whether you’re an old soul or a new one, look for these signs:

  • Recurring dreams
  • Out of place memories
  • You possess a strong intuition 
  • Constant Deja Vus
  • You identify as an empath
  • Precognition (Foreknowledge of an event)  and Retrocognition (Knowledge of a past events)
  • You are in conflict with your age or you come of as an old soul
  • You have attachment/attraction for certain cultures, time periods and environments
  • Weird and Unexplainable phobias
  • You constantly feel that you don’t belong to earth

If you are held down with past traumas and questions, if you think answers to your afflictions can’t be found in the conventional ways, book a past life regression session with us. We will help you unfold your past and work together in healing you for a bright future. 

May the healing be with you! 

About Dr. Vani Kabir

Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed, Clairvoyant, and Claircognizant. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce. After transforming and shedding her hurt and toxicity, Dr. Vani’s single purpose in life became to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend.

Find | Heal | Align | Rise

At VKW, we believe there are channels to understand who you are, why you are here, what is your purpose, why are you suffering, and what all you can do about it? Making it simple for you, we have identified these channels that will lead to each other and help you heal completely.