What is Alala & Why is it so important?

Alala is Dr. Vani Kabir’s Galactic home. Her knowledge about crystals & energy work, pours down from there. Her spiritual work is a result of spiritual downloads and she spreads it freely amongst all, in the form of highly energised crystals products, readings and therapies.

She possesses a unique understanding about energy world and crystals, rituals and herbs can direct the energy. Her Green Witch rituals are very popular amongst her followers.

Meet Master Dr. Vani Kabir

Meet Master Dr. Vani Kabir

Master Dr. Vani Kabir is a Starseed clairvoyant and Claircognizant. She was always gifted with a unique perspective and wisdom for looking these worldly matters. Her spiritual journey heightened and raced around 5 years ago, almost a year after her divorce. Although her first few years were about shedding all the past inhibitions, hitting rock bottom, falling sick and throwing up all the toxicity.

Her single purpose in life is to HEAL – to let people know that they are special, that what they experience is true, that their heartbreaks are spiritual awakenings and that unless they heal, they can’t ascend. The universe and her galactic connections have been very kind to help and support her through the journey of her life. And here she is to spread and share it with all who join my community of SOUL STARS.

She is the Guru the world has been waiting for.


Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha

The Medicine Buddha is a healing Buddha from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Many cultures have healing deities or rituals, and the Medicine Buddha is a profound practice for healing physical, mental, and emotional ailments.


Fuel your wisdom

Are You a True Soul Star ? Join Our Tribe Now

Soul Star is a tribe of divine souls that have reincarnated on this planet for a higher cause. They have come to Earth to be a part of the the new beginning, a new era.

When war is becoming the solution to everything. This tribe emerges Soulstar is our 8 the chakra and is found floating above your head. This chakra is often symbolized by a glowing star of bright white. This chakra is seen as the gateway of divine love and spiritual wisdom.

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